Rabu, 19 Februari 2020

What is Server Colocation? Here are the Explanation and Benefits when Using It

Server plays the major role in network system due to center of data and platform itself. Company or organization uses server to support every activity, from the daily basis to complex transaction. For example, bank or corporation requires server to handle financial and any payment from client to their system. In general, you can choose three types of server. There are dedicated, virtual, and colocation. Dedicated server means you have equipment and infrastructure in your office. Meanwhile, the virtual one comes from third-part providers. The last one is colocation. So, what is server colocation? More about this topic will be explore in the following section.
Server Colocation

Understanding the Server Colocation

From its name, you can start from colocation, which means collection space in one particular area. In dedicated server, all computers are installed in your office. It might be in one floor or more depending on how big your organization area. On the other hand, company may rent specs and additional support, such as IP, bandwidth, and others from provider. You are client for them and receive server specs based on what you choose.
Both have pros and cons, but colocation is between dedicated and virtual servers. In virtual server, you do not know where server is located and which rack or cabinet in that center. As client, you only get particular specs and capable to expand based on what you need. Server colocation is the type of server where you buy equipment located in data center and it’s accessible through virtual connection. In simple term, you own device in building dedicated solely for server from provider. To access that server, you use what virtual one does.
That is the basic principle when asking about “what is server colocation?” You do not need to install server directly at your building or home. On contrary, you just buy particular cabinet or rack that contains server equipment. Providers will handle installation and the rest of task. Clients just connect to the network then configure the software management.
In addition, server colocation takes benefit sides from both virtual and dedicated ones. You do not have to worry about security aspect because provider does many things, such as protection guard, fire control, backup data, hardware maintenance, electrical management, and virtual attack, including hacking and cracking into database. Those things are the part of ultimate service from provider.
With this server, organization has more control because it does not depend on the entire machine itself. Virtual server gives flexibility to expand its capacity and specs. However, clients need to contact provider if the server requires more bandwidth or any support. Provider has control over the server physically. Moreover, colocation helps you to configure and arrange server without permission from provider. In fact, provider only gives the access to network, but everything that clients do is their responsibility
You can turn server colocation into private network to let people in your organization access it. In this case, you have IT administrators to manage, but do not handle it physically. This is what you should know when start asking “what is server colocation?”

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