Understanding the difference between operating systems for Linux and Windows servers will be a thing of the past after you finish reading our complete compilation of the features of each Linux and windows server.
Today we’ll explain in detail the features of the Linux and Windows servers, starting with which offers you better performance and flexibility.
Let’s Learn A Little About Linux Servers
The operating systems of Linux servers, in this case, used for the administration of systems, databases and web hosting services are just as popular as windows servers, unlike that they have more advantages in terms of flexibility, security, and stability.
The cost in the Linux servers is much lower because you don’t have to pay for a license as in the case of Windows servers because it has a free operating system.
The performance will depend on the resources available on the server (such as CPU, ram among other qualities). It should be noted that both offer a high level of security, although it is in this aspect that most choose to use a Linux server.
Linux is popularly recognized as a multipurpose operating system, can be a bit cumbersome to handle for beginners because they don’t have a graphical interface unlike Windows servers, the functionality of both will depend on the technology that we are going to apply. But this isn’t a big problem, Linux servers offer greater advantages and benefits than windows servers.
How Do I Know If I Should Use A Windows Server Hosting?
Windows servers are recommended to those who maintain projects under the .asp or .net environment that require applying this technology. Their costs are greater since most of the applications that work in this type of hosting are paid as everything It bears the stamp of Microsoft.
The Risks You May Experience When Using Windows Server
Windows servers have a bad reputation when it comes to stability and performance because it consumes more resources than other operating systems for servers.
• Require a restart after an update.
• They tend to be much slower than Linux-based servers.
• They need more resources and tend to be more expensive.
The choice of server operating system is a very important issue when looking for a web hosting, as it can determine the technologies that can be used. Currently, there are basically two types of servers for web, Linux and Windows Server, and contrary to what happens with desktops, in this case, it is Linux that takes most of the market share and by much difference.
Why Are There More Linux Servers Than Windows Server For Web Hosting?
In professional environments, as is the case, you can imagine that the market share of the servers will not depend on whether this or that programmer is more than one operating system or another, if not for more related issues, especially to profitability The servers that use Windows Server can’t be said to be bad, we would be lying, in fact, to be used in corporate intranets are very advanced with respect to Linux, being able to see it in practically all the internal networks of important companies. But the use case we are analyzing is web hosting, and the advantages of Linux make it more optimal in this section.
Free is Free
The most notable feature of using Linux on a server for web hosting is that it is basically free. There are distributions in which you pay for a support service, but there are a lot of free distributions and also very stable and secure. A more or less normal license of Windows Server already costs a few hundred euros, which makes a web hosting based on Windows and more expensive to exit, plus it can bring the need to buy other accessory licenses depends on the type of development that is used. In Linux, you can set up a very complex and fully functional website without having to pay for a single license.
Security is Key
Despite having improved greatly in this regard, Windows Server, and especially its IIS web server, have behind a history of insecurity that Microsoft will take a lot of work to get rid of. However, Linux systems have always been characterized by having fairly robust security. We just have to remember the last ransomware attack that ravaged the Windows systems of many companies.
Greater Diffusion in the Development Languages
The native support of the Windows servers is limited to the .net languages, which are very good but are subject to licenses (although lately, Microsoft has released much this topic) and don’t enjoy popularity among web developers, much more focused on other languages as PHP. That doesn’t mean that you can’t run PHP on a Windows server, but doing so leaves certain security gaps that aren’t recommended. The normal thing is to use Windows Server only if you are going to carry out a .net project, and its market share is what it is since these projects are usually only carried out by very large companies.
Until Microsoft Uses Linux
The biggest sign of the implementation of Linux in web hosting is that even Microsoft already offers services in the cloud with this operating system. Of course, it doesn’t mean that they deny Windows Server, but they have seen that it is silly to close a significant portion of the market for sectarianism, and in their new policy of opening to developers of all kinds, they have begun to do things that they do 5 years would have been completely unthinkable.
If your main concern is security then you must go for a Linux server, the reasons on the great importance that security plays in the servers that you use, we already explained it to you before. For small and large companies that depend totally on the stability of their websites, it is inevitable that downtime occurs in the server where the web pages are hosted, this is a good point for Linux because it can even take years for them to occur failures in their operating systems. Imagine how much money you would lose a website if this happened.
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